Science Fiction
Yep, believe it or not I'm a Sci Fi fan. I've read classics and I watch quite a bit of it on tv. So here's a list;
The Time Machine, 1984, and War of the Worlds are good examples of early SF. Harry Harrison writes some amusing books including the Stainless-Steel Rat series. I'm trying to keep up with the increasing number of Star Wars related books now being published, and have a large collection of Piers Anthony stories. Sadly Isaac Asimov has passed away, so it would seem my robot stories from him are complete. Now let's get right up to date. William Gibson wrote the first cyberpunk book Neuromancer.
![[The Sci-Fi channel]](sfchan.jpg)
I watch Babylon5, The Outer Limits, and The X Files. I like Star Trek too of course, my favourite being the original series and it's films. However I watch the more recent incarnations also when they appear. I've even written a little NexGen episode which you can download and criticize if you want.
To show I don't take the program too seriously though, take a look at some Star Trek humour.
The Star Wars trilogy were some of the most entertaining films ever, and there are more to come. As I mentioned above I liked Star Trek III and IV, First contact was better than Generations. Independance Day was ok, once you ignore all the media hype, and I actually liked Stargate even if the critics didn't. Both Terminator films and two Robocop films are also in my personal video archive.
Let's not forget British Sci-Fi. I hope you remember The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Doctor Who, but what about Blake's 7 and Star Cops?
Disagree with me here
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